A new feature in the new generation version of GTA V PlayStation 5 Version...

 A new feature in the new generation version of GTA V PlayStation 5 Version...

The open world game GTA 5, the new generation version, has become available on the PlayStation 5, as the game has seen improvements in graphics, field of view, support for HDR technologies, Ray-Tracing technology, and more.

Among the features that were discovered after our experience of the game, is the “Motion blur” feature that developer Rockstar added to the new generation version for the first time, which gives more realism to objects when moving the camera, but it will not be supported when the game is running on 4K resolution.

Motion blur has been present in many current and past games, and it simulates moving objects to look natural through frames for smoother, more realistic looks during fast moving surroundings or camera movement.

GTA 5 will support 4K display resolution with 60 frames per second performance on the new generation in addition to improvements in graphics and field of vision, with 3 different game modes according to the player’s desire, namely, Fidelity Mode, Performance Mode, and finally ray tracing and Performance RT mode, and finally the fast loading feature that will make the game get rid of the long loading screens.

While GTA Online will load the next generation version of the home hardware on the Career Builder option. This is designed to give new players, or anyone wanting to reset their character and start from scratch.

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